Saturday, April 19, 2014

What's Really Important...*

I spent the last three days involved in an event, three days where I walked for miles, saw tens of thousands of people, made new friendships and renewed ones previously made. Today I introduced my wife to several of those friends and she got to experience the craziness first hand.

I saw famous people--even had dinner twenty feet from one of the biggest names in the industry. I watched as people searched for happiness. I wonder if they found it.

But when I returned home after 72 hours of crowds and complimentary sandwiches and cold cereal for dinner after coming home, I realized all of it--the fame, the accolades, the photos, the autographs and the entire event isn't what's really important. It all pales in comparison to a man in a garden and a mission, a mission he thankfully completed.

And because of him, I live.

*Photo used without permission from:

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